Page 30 - Flip PDF Pro
P. 30

PDF  to  Professional  Page-Flipping  eBook  Utility
                                                                                      User  Document
                   About Text-to-Speech engine install and use, you can view details in this page:

                   5. Other Settings
                   (1). Export Theme
                   If you want to save the current template settings as your own style template for later uses, you
                   can click "File->Export current settings as Theme" button to storing all current template settings,
                   include the background images, margin values, toolbar buttons and so on.
                   Then when you want to use later, just click "File->Import Themes", the theme will be added to
                   the templates selecting interface. Download more themes from FlipBuilder now:

                   (2). Application Options

                   i. Render Engine Option
                   Flip PDF Pro provides 3 different render engines for you to create higher quality page-flipping
                   eBooks, click "Options->Application Options" to enter into "Render Engine" interface: SWF: Much
                   legible characters, smaller output size; GPL Ghostscript: Higher color transfer quality; Inner
                   Library: Faster convert speed (change option when PDF imported failed).

                   ii. Create Mobile Version Option

                   Pages Quality and Size
                   Five types of "Pages Quality And Size" for mobile version eBooks:

                   Mobile Template
                   The current version provides two mobile template modes for you to use: Slide and Single Page
                   Flip. The later one adds page-flipping effect on the pages while viewing in mobiles.

                   After defining options, click                   icon to apply the settings.

                   IV.  Edit Pages

                   Use Flip PDF Pro to add link, video, sound or image file. Click "Edit Pages" button

                   to enter into page edit interface:

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