Page 8 - Flip PDF Pro
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PDF  to  Professional  Page-Flipping  eBook  Utility
                                                                                      User  Document
                   You can select Template and Theme from the list, or go to "Online Templates" panel to download
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                   More templates and themes online: .

                   Then click "Next" to enter into PDF Import interface:

                   1. Source PDF File:

                                Click this icon to open the PDF file you want to convert;

                                View content of added PDF file to clarify before converting.

                   2. The Page Ranges to Import:

                                Convert all pages to page-flipping eBook;

                                                                Convert defined range page;

                                                                 Just preview effect on first 10 pages.

                   3. Watermark

                                  Add image or text watermark to flipping pages.

                                     Check this option first to choose default stamps or add new ones:

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