Page 5 - Flip PDF Pro
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PDF  to  Professional  Page-Flipping  eBook  Utility
                                                                                      User  Document
                   Page-flipping eBook features

                   With the page-flipping ebook you have created, your user will be able to:

                    1.  Flip book pages by dragging corner, clicking page shadow, mouse wheel, etc..

                    2.  Use Previous, Next, First or Last buttons or thumbnails to navigate through the pages.

                    3.  View with important pages pre-loaded to open quickly, no need to wait for all pages to

                        be loaded.

                    4.  Flip pages automatically.

                    5.  View page-flipping eBook in full screen.
                    6.  Add annotation text or shapes to highlight.

                    7.  Print out the whole eBook or a selected range of pages.

                    8.  Download uploaded page-flipping eBook or other file while reading book.

                    9.  Double-click to zoom in or zoom out.

                    10. Share eBook URL via email, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, etc.

                    11. Turn background sound on/off.

                    12. Open  in  the  Browser  to  a  specific  page  by  adding  a  page  index  to  your  URL.  E.G.


                    13. Always  show  in  Minime  Style  with  adding  a  parameter  to  URL.  E.G.


                    14. View page-flipping eBooks in the browser of Mac, PC, iPad, iPhone and Android devices.

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