Page 18 - Flip PDF Pro
P. 18

PDF  to  Professional  Page-Flipping  eBook  Utility
                                                                                      User  Document

                   iii. Tool Bar on Top (only in Float template)
                   If you want to place the toolbar in Float templates on the top of the flash eBook, you can set
                   "Tool Bar on Top" as "True":

                   iv. Add Icons Settings
                   If you want to add some other kinds of buttons which the program doesn't provide, you can click
                   "Add Icons Settings->…" to enter into "Icons Settings" interface to add new icons on tool bar:

                   You can define the link action as "Go to page", or open an online webpage, or even "Call
                   Javascript function" to carry out your wanted interactive functionalities via defining Javascript
                   function yourself.. After your "Apply Change", the new added icon will show in the toolbar. (More
                   details about Call Javascript function will be introduced in the part of "Edit Page->Add Link".)

                   v. Button Icons
                   Define settings for the icons of the buttons:

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